張曼玉Maggie Cheung玩搖滾?傳50歲張曼玉走上歌手路 加盟唱片公司現身音樂節 - YouTube 昨日,息影10年的張曼玉將加盟摩登天空唱片公司,並將現身5月舉行的音樂節現場的傳聞在圈內外引起一片沸騰。本報向該公司求證時,對方並不否認,也沒有正面承認。網路上雖然有人對她的嗓音不看好之外,多數人表示力挺。實際上,影后 ...
Actress Maggie Cheung sings at Strawberry Music Festival, freaks people out : Shanghaiist Maggie Cheung, revered as one of the greatest actresses to come out of Hong Kong, has decided to dabble in another spectrum of entertainment. She probably shouldn't have. The 50-year-old screen icon unveiled her new rock band at Shanghai's Strawberry Musi
星島日報 | Facebook 星島日報. 3,518 likes · 92 talking about this. 提供新聞資訊。 ... (星島日報報道)自頸椎受傷康復後,鄭希怡(Yumiko)深明人生苦短,更珍惜所有,遂改變不婚主意,於去年11月在 ...
Maggie Cheung | Facebook Maggie Cheung 已經註冊了Facebook。加入Facebook 來聯絡Maggie Cheung 及更多你可能認識的朋友。Facebook 讓人們盡情分享,將這個世界變得更開闊、聯繫 ...
Maggie Cheung | Facebook Maggie Cheung. 11919 likes · 1 talking about this. Actor/Director.
Maggie Cheung Profiles | Facebook View the profiles of people named Maggie Cheung on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Maggie Cheung and others you may know. Facebook gives ...